by Jimby Sisto
photo by Janell Shirtcliff
With so much of our modern culture saturated in parody and ironic sentimentality, brutal honesty is hard to come by these days. Yet Best Coast is so sincere it seems like sarcasm. Started in 2009 by songwriter/guitarist Bethany Cosentino and guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Bobb Bruno, Best Coast find themselves two years out from their latest critically acclaimed release, California Nights. Conjuring images of sunbaked California evenings sitting in a convertible on the edge of the ocean, you get a sense of the environment dreamed up by Cosentino when diving into these tracks. Unrequited love ready to be yelled about and brimming emotions begging to be hummed to all day are hallmarks of their catchy, rhythmic, and palpable sound. Songs like “Boyfriend” and “Crazy For You” are great introductions into their juggernauts of “feels”. Pop a squat with your significant other or get up close and personal and scream with Bethany. There’s no wrong way to enjoy Best Coast.