by Jimby Sisto
The unearthly sonic resonance of Nine Inch Nails continues to deliver earthquake-sized tremors nearly 30 years into their career. (“Their” is a relative term, as this band is all Trent Reznor.) Working as a janitor in a recording studio before releasing his 1989 debut Pretty Hate Machine, Reznor used his break time recording wild hits like “Head Like a Hole” and “Terrible Lie” that blew a hole in what had come to be expected from the “alternative” scene of the day. The prolific Reznor has just unleashed his 19th release as NIN, Add Violence, which provides yet another visceral chapter in the incomparable canon of NIN. Still as voracious as a flesh-eating virus, NIN pushes and pulls with a defiant presence and sonic mastery in a live show that remains something of an enigma. One part shaded doom and two parts acute sonic rage, breathe in the aroma of terror and scream into the void with Reznor and company.